4yousee Analytics

Transform audience data into valuable insights for your business.

Homem acessando dados em painel digital.

Business Strategic without Guesswork

Make data-driven business decisions

Discover (Find out) the reason why you’re not selling even more in stores, pharmacies, supermarkets, and snack bars.

*Prove the return on investment of your advertising campaigns by comparing sales performance and other indicators before and during any campaign or promotional action.

Conduct tests to generate more sales and prove the results of each strategy.

With just a few clicks, answer questions such as:

  • What is the impact of product promotion on sales?

  • Which campaigns have the highest conversion rates?

  • What is the variation in customer flow at a point of sale due to weather events, sports events, shows, fairs, etc.?

  • What is the audience reach of a LED billboard on the highway?

Painel de dados ilustrado.
Painel de dados ilustrado.

Have data intelligence without channel limitations

Connect multiple data sources to centralize the evaluation of your campaigns in a centralized way on the 4yousee Analytics dashboard

Build funnels to easily measure the performance of your campaigns in the physical environment

With 4yousee Analytics funnels, you can model multiple scenarios to understand the conversion rates of your marketing actions.

For example, it is possible to know how many people were impacted by a LED billboard campaign at the store entrance, how many of them entered, and how many actually bought the advertised product.

Create multiple funnels to test hypotheses and validate how your audience responds to media stimulus

Funil de dados da 4yousee.

How it works

Understand how 4yousee Analytics works


Data Generation

Representação gráfica de um painel de dados.

Cameras and sensors with proprietary 4yousee technology detect people and vehicles, generating data for 4yousee Analytics. Other sensors or third-party databases can also be connected to the platform.


Data Processing

Notebook mostrando dados.

The generated data is processed by 4yousee Analytics.


Data Analysis

Notebook mostrando dados sendo operado por um homem.

Now, you can create audience reports and funnels to measure what you want, and it’s also possible to predict trends and behaviors, generating valuable insights for your business.

4yousee solutions to digitalizing the physical environment

Know the 4yousee technology to data generate. Analyze in a simple and practical with 4yousee Analytics

Car Counter

Use security cameras to count how many cars or people access an environment with 90% accuracy

Tecnologia Car Counter, mostrando dados de câmeras.

4yousee Tracker

Capture of public signals produced by smartphones that are sent to a server, consolidating the following data:

How many peoples are in a environment;

Looking at how often clients visit the same location over set period of time

Imagem ilustrativa do 4yousee Tracker.

Devices and Operation

4YouSee Analytics performs audience measurement and transforms data into valuable insights for your business using cameras and IoT devices.


We rely on OpenVINO™ technology for counting cars and people with computer vision, ensuring a minimum accuracy of 90%.


Minimum requirements Processor: Intel Core i3-4330TE 2.40GHz Memory: 4GB SSD: 128GB

Esquema gráfico do 4yousee Analytics.


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clientes satisfeitos



Companies that use 4yousee technology

logo Localiza logo Hyundai logo Drogaria Onofre logo MC Donalds logo Dufry logo Ipiranga

Partners who make it happen

Orionpc Mega Midia Group Otima Arvore digital Crialed Ingenicam Pixel Window
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Success stories

Discover real stories of companies that increased their results with our Digital Signage solutions.

See cases